Small group young children running in park

Choosing a Sport for Your Child

Kid enjoying Halloween costume parade

Halloween Safety Tips

With Halloween approaching, it’s time to get prepared! Children love the excitement that comes with Halloween, but many fail to realize how susceptible they are to the dangers. As parents, we all want our children to have a good time, but it’s our job to keep our children out of harm’s way. Here are some important tips to follow before you and your child get started with the Halloween shenanigans!


1. Pay attention to the road

Halloween is a major holiday for car accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety, deadly accidents caused by drunk drivers were more prevalent on Halloween than on New Year’s Eve. When out on the streets, never assume you have the right of way because many drivers still have difficulty seeing trick-or-treaters, be sure to use the sidewalk as much as possible, and always carry a flashlight.

2. Plan your night ahead

Check the weather forecast and plan your costumes accordingly. Trick-or-treating also requires a lot of walking, so make sure you and your child wear comfortable outfits. Decide on where you and your child want to go and set a curfew because staying out too late can be unsafe.

3. Travel in groups

It’s safer to go trick or treating with a group than it is to go alone. Consider going a with a friend, neighbor, or fellow parent. Even if you consider your child to be at a mature age, insist on going with at least three other people. Keep in that mind that groups are also easier for drivers to spot on the road.

4. Home etiquette

When going by a new house, make sure you have the proper home etiquette. Don’t do anything to someone’s home you wouldn’t want done to yours. If your child’s the type to be eager to eat candy as you guys are trick-or-treating, make sure they’re not opening or throwing away wrappers on someone’s property.  You can also never be certain if a house is serving treaters or not. Stay away from homes that are not properly lit and seem to be unoccupied. Never enter a person’s home even with their permission.

5. Look at all candy before you eat it

It’s important to look at every piece before you eat it. Make sure there isn’t any sharp objects, and abnormal scents, coloring, or marks, if your child has a case of severe peanut allergies, make sure to look at every candy they have, especially chocolates. Hard candies are also considered a choking hazard.

At Carpe Diem:

At Carpe Diem, we understand that Halloween is a highly anticipated holiday within our students. This year, we’re hosting our very own Fall Festival where there will be treats and special attractions to provide a fun and safe experience. It is free to the public, and all ages are open.

Little boy kiss a dog

The Benefits of Letting Your Child Raise A Pet

Almost every child has tried to convince their parents to get them a pet. Some parents, especially those limited on time, refuse because of the additional responsibilities and headaches a pet can cause. However, what might seem like headaches and havoc for parents can be a great opportunity for children to learn and grow.

Here are the top 4 benefits of letting your child raise a pet!

1. They teach children to be responsible

When children have pets, they take pride in helping to take care of a living animal. Children can take charge of simple tasks such as feeding or providing water to their pets and cleaning up after them. This helps children to develop more responsible behavior and be more comfortable with doing other chores around the house.

2. They teach children self-esteem

According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP), pets can positively contribute to a child’s self-esteem and self-confidence. Because pets provide children with unconditional love, children feel more supported and accepted for who they are. Pets are a great source of emotional support which helps improve their self-esteem because children can air out all their frustrations to their pet.

3. They strengthen family relationships

Having a pet gives your family an easy commonality and encourages more cooperation with one another. Families with pets usually spend more quality time when they partake in activities based around their pets. Activities can be as simple as grooming or feeding your pet taking them for a walk, or playing fetch. Pets can make us laugh more and have more fun together.

4. They teach children to be more compassionate

Pets naturally teach children to be more compassionate and empathetic because it helps children to learn how to care and respect animals helping them to do the same with people. For instance, when children learn to recognize their pet wants attention, love, or food, they are also learning empathy.

At Carpe Diem:
At Carpe Diem, we aim at raising our students to be kind and compassionate individuals. We believe that teaching them how to learn and care about animals in our curriculum is an integral part of character education.

Happy children using smartphones sitting on the grass in the park.

How to Combat Your Child’s Technology Addiction

As technology is becoming more advanced, the current generation spends way more time using technology than previous ones have. Now more than ever, having a technology addiction is very common, and it comes with a lot of detrimental effects. Children who are addicted to technology often can’t live without their electronics, have tantrums when they are away from their devices, and typically have a negative attitude when it comes to doing things that require them to be more active.

Technology addiction can lead to children being exposed to inappropriate material, being easily influenced by others, and being more susceptible to getting bullied. Staying on a device always negatively impacts a child’s social skills, and can lead to aggressive behaviors, insomnia, and difficulty paying attention. While it’s crucial to catch the warning signs, it’s just as important to prevent a technology addiction in the first place.

Here are some key tips on how to prevent your child’s technology addiction!

1. Don’t replace their boredom with devices

When you make it a habit to give your child their devices when they’re bored, sad, or mad, you’re creating a reliance on technology to make all of their problems go away. Instead, focus on helping your child start a healthier hobby, such as playing a sport or joining a club. Hobbies benefit a child by relieving their stress, teaching them how to express themselves, building self-esteem, and strengthening their own relationships.

2. Plan more outdoor time

Children are spending way less time outdoors than they should because of their devices. This has led to increasing rates in child obesity, and it contributes to numerous health problems. Encourage your child to play outside! Go to a playground, kick a soccer ball around your yard, or plan a fun weekend at the park. Your child will enjoy staying active while getting some fresh air.

3. Set guideline for priorities before screen time

It’s important to instill the idea that screen time is a privilege, and not a necessity in your child’s life.  Make sure your child has completed their chores and finished their homework or any other necessary obligations before they just hop on their devices. Your child will learn that even though they may want to play on their phone or tablet, they must take care of their responsibilities first.

4. Consider your own time spent on technology

If your children see that you cling to technology as well, it will become the norm for them. As a parent, it’s important that you limit time on your phone as well to set a good example for your child and spend more time bonding with them as a family. If your child feels as though you do not pay enough attention to them, this can lead to poor behavior and acting out in order to get attention and feel validated.

Technology At Carpe Diem

At Carpe Diem, we urge our children to be more interactive with their peers by limiting the time they spend on the computer and encouraging more outdoor play. We understand the importance of cultivating their social skills and being more active at such a developmental period. We also provide children with an opportunity to start new hobbies, as we incorporate art and music into our curriculum.

Women hug little girl

4 Ways You Can Teach Your Child the Importance of Self-Esteem

In today’s society, it’s important for people to navigate through the world with good self-esteem. What many parents don’t know is that self-esteem begins developing as early as childhood. Although it can be learned later in life, what is taught during a person’s childhood can have a long-lasting effect on how they choose to go about making choices and decisions as an adult.

The Benefits of High Self-Esteem:

If children learn the importance of self-esteem at younger age, they’re more likely to be successful in future endeavors because they feel liked and accepted, confident and proud of their abilities, only think positive things about themselves, and believe that anything is possible for them to achieve.

The Cons of Low Self-Esteem:

Lack of self-esteem can lead to poor mental health over time. Negative thinking produces stress chemicals in the brain. Quite often, it can be linked to depression and anxiety. It can also lead to behavioral problems. If a child feels unable to do certain things, they might become more violent – resorting to being mean to their peers and throwing temper tantrums when they make mistakes or have difficulty learning something new.

Here are 4 Ways You Can Teach Your Child the Importance of Self-Esteem:

1. Teach them new things:

It’s important to teach your child new things because finding new skills can help boost their confidence and fuel your child’s desire to learn. An example may be teaching them how to do certain chores around the house like helping you cook simple meals and doing laundry. It can be beneficial in the long run because they feel that they can own up to newer responsibilities, and chores give them a sense of fulfillment.

2. Praise your child wisely, and don’t overpraise:

Don’t only praise your child every time they achieve something. Praise them when they’re learning something new, or when they’ve made progress on something that they couldn’t do before. Overpraising can have negative effects because children will begin to rely on your compliments every time they accomplish something to feel validated, instead of learning to seek validation within themselves. Just like adults, it’s important children know that no one is perfect. Doing this correctly will also teach them resilience.

3. Be careful with your words:

Yelling and saying mean things to your child can result in harsh effects in the brain. It’s also crucial for parents to remember that their children model their behavior. Make sure you avoid generalizing them when they make mistakes. Don’t ever label them and compare them to others. How you treat your child is how they will think it’s fit to treat others. If you use harsh words when speaking to your child, this can lead to your child copying your behavior and becoming a bully to classmates.

4. Teach them positive affirmations:

It’s important to teach your child gratitude because it can lead to them having a more optimistic outlook on life. Whether it’s standing in front of a mirror or writing on an index card, have your child acknowledge their own positive AND negative traits. Teaching them to acknowledge their flaws lets them know that no one is perfect, and helps them learn to be okay with and embrace their own imperfections.

How We Encourage Positive Self Esteem at Carpe Diem:

At Carpe Diem, we help children in becoming their best selves by showing individual interest in each child and helping them build their own confidence. It’s important to know that when it comes to raising a confident child, they must be in a healthy environment with the right role models. Our teachers and staff demonstrate respect for others and kindness every day, making them wonderful role models to our students.

Two boy Looking angry to east other

Managing Emotions: Anger

Anger can be a tough emotion for children to handle, sometimes leading to inappropriate behaviors. But anger is a natural emotional response for people, especially children who in the early stages of learning to control their feelings. Here are some tips you might want to keep in mind when teaching your child how to manage emotions like anger.

Children get angry

When your child gets angry, it’s important to remember that their anger is not a personality trait. Children naturally have a lot to be angry about when they are taking their first developmental steps.

Most things they try to do end in failure, because almost everything is a new experience at this point. Not being able to reach a goal can be very frustrating for people in general. For children, almost every goal has so many upsetting obstacles.

Parents and teachers are bigger than them as well, so when children are told to do something, they have to do it even if they don’t want to. Their curiosity is put on hold oftentimes because of their age. As a result, children can get angry more easily when they are young.

The sooner you can accept that your child really does have a lot to be mad about, the sooner you can start to learn how to handle the situation more easily.

Explain the anger, don’t act on it

Every person has the right to feel however they do; emotions are an extension of who we are and what we believe. You should not discount how your child feels. However, the way they show their feelings is a different story.

Acting violently out of anger, such as throwing toys or hitting, should not be tolerated. Instead of using their hands to let out their anger, a more constructive way would be to talk it out. Therefore, it may help to teach your child how to ‘name and explain’ their emotions.

Taking a pause and using their words brings clarity in a positive way that can be used to find a solution.

Set behavioral boundaries

Children should be taught that there are consequences to their actions, including when they misbehave out of anger.

Explain to your child how they should behave when dealing with anger, both at home and in public settings. You should also explain that violence is unacceptable. Reinforce the good behaviors and treat your child with respect while discouraging bad behaviors.

This principle should apply to you as well. Modeling control and using words will help show your children how they should handle their anger properly. Whenever your child is upset but explains their self appropriately, make sure to truly listen to their complaint and try to find a solution.


How Carpe Diem Teaches Children to Handle Anger

At Carpe Diem Private Preschool, we are setting a new standard for learning that includes caring for the entire child, including their emotional well-being. Our team of caring and dedicated teachers take the time to learn about each student, so they can communicate personally and positively with every child.

Montessori students working together with educational materials designed for sensory development.

Negative Language and the Word “No”

Keeping a positive learning environment can sometimes be a challenge for parents and teachers alike. Guiding children through the learning process often comes with some frustration. In these moments, it’s easy to use negative language, like the word “No”. But is it harmful to a child’s development to use these words?

How language affects thought

The Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis states that language has a strong correlation with one’s perception of the world to some degree. In short, the way one speaks affects the way one thinks.

This concept is universal across all cultures and all ages. In fact, the capacity to learn is greatest in the early stages of childhood. Children are most sensitive to words and their meanings, and the effects can have a great impact on general mood and attitude.

How this hypothesis applies to a parent’s word choice with children is a hotly debated subject, which boils down to whether using certain words can either maximize or hinder development.

Does “No” have an effect on children?

The answer is yes. “No” has as much of an effect on emotional and cognitive growth as any kind of word choice. While “No” is part of a binary (one or the other) expression that spans all cultures, it still has particular influences on children’s perception of the world and themselves.

Using “No”, and other negative words, tends to be immediately impactful for children. Even at infanthood, they analyze facial expressions that belong with certain sounds that their parents make. While negative language can be quite clear, it can also be emotionally compromising.

Interestingly, evidence points to the context of the situation having more of an effect than the word. When parents are frustrated, “No” and other negative words tend to get used a lot more often, coupled with anger and punishments.

It would appear the use of positive language with children tends to be in a more civil context, thus creating a more learning conductive environment.

Conclusion for parents on “No”

The word “No” is not naturally bad. If used with patience, compassion and a learning lesson in mind, “No” can be a helpful tool. However, parents who make the effort to utilize positive language more often don’t have to use “No” as much. Instead of telling your children what not to do, ask them to do what is right, after showing them what they did was wrong.

Using positive words leads to a more positive learning environment, but if you can exercise patience with your children when teaching them, using “No” is fine. What matters most is having a safe, loving family dynamic and keeping your child’s development in mind.

The Carpe Diem Approach

At the heart of Carpe Diem Private Preschool is a deep respect for children, their natural curiosity, and their incredible capacity to learn. We believe that to achieve academic success and true learning potential, the whole child must be nurtured and respected in positive and constructive ways.

Montessori student engaged in independent reading in a peaceful classroom environment.

The Benefits of Raising a Bilingual Child

Being bilingual is quickly becoming a vital asset for working professionals, and embracing cultures has become an important topic in new families. When deciding to raise your child to understand more than one language, consider these cognitive and social benefits:

The Bilingual Brain

Learning two languages at a young age has shown to help the brain function in areas other than language.

Children who are bilingual tend to have higher capacities for memory and attention. When children are exposed to, and practice, more than one language in early stages, brain activity is increased. Thus, development is more enriched.

Bilingual children have also shown to adjust better to changes in their environment. In learning two languages, the brain is exposed to two different thought and cultural constructs. This trains children in receiving new information and adjusting their approaches based on the context, much like when forming a sentence in one language vs. another.

Social Opportunities

If you live in a community that is multicultural, speaking multiple languages at home can help your child feel more comfortable making new friends. Being bilingual can also give your child more confidence in social settings, knowing they can communicate with almost anyone in the community.

Additionally, studies have shown that language plays a strong role in how people think. It’s called Linguistic Relativity, and it develops early in childhood. Being bilingual can be a tool for your child to learn empathy and creativity.

Bilingualism at Work

While your child’s “job” now is getting the most out of their education, in the future they will have to show employers the kinds of values and knowledge they have developed. One of the best ways to differentiate themselves, depending on location, is to be bilingual.

The world is now more connected than ever, and that means job opportunities are opening up around the globe. It also means there are a lot of new people competing for the same positions now. In order to keep up with the sometimes demanding competition, knowing more than one language becomes a vital asset for employers.


Being Bilingual at Carpe Diem

At Carpe Diem Private Preschool, learning different languages is a powerful tool in helping children develop into well-rounded individuals. We have dedicated experts teaching our students Spanish as a part of their daily curriculum.


Happy Kid playing skateboard

Empathy in 3 Steps

Empathy is defined as the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. It can be considered one of the most important characteristics of social behavior and is something that should be taught early on in childhood.

Let’s look at the importance of, and how we can teach our children, empathy.

Why Empathy Matters

The ability to reciprocate feelings is an important social and emotional skill for everyone to learn.

For parents, empathy can be a highly effective child development tool. Having empathy can help to maintain an emotionally positive environment in the household, which keeps the family attitude positive and makes development easier for children. Being empathetic with your children also helps them learn to love and trust you more deeply, allowing for better communication.

For children, the benefits of empathy will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Practicing empathy helps children become more aware of their own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. Not only does this help children control their own emotions more effectively, it also assists in creating and maintaining healthy relationships.

Empathy is an emotional and social skill that children should begin practicing as early as possible, so parents should begin teaching it from day one.

Empathy in 3 Steps

In order to teach empathy, you must first be empathetic with your children. Follow these three steps when interacting with your children to practice empathy:

1. Recognition: Take a moment to recognize what your child is feeling. This initial emotional connection with your child shows them that you’re on their side, not against them.

2. Definition: Find out where the emotion is coming from by starting a dialogue with your child. This will let your child know that you are ready to listen to their feelings and that you understand them.

3. Solution: Offer a solution with your child’s emotional well-being in mind. If something must be done to improve your child’s feeling, give suggestions and ask if your child would be willing to do them.

At this point your child will be more open to changing behavior if necessary, because you have established your intentions to help and understand them using empathy.

Practicing at Home

Practice makes perfect when it comes to empathy. At home, it is important to lead by example. Be empathetic in any scenario that applies. If your child is excited, ask them why and decide if praise or celebration is in order. If your child is sad, be open to talking about it and offer solutions to make them feel better. It’s all about communicating with your child frequently.

Talking and listening to your child, and being empathetic with them, can greatly help their emotional and social growth. Following the three steps of practicing empathy, and teaching them to your child, can make a world of difference in the long run.

How Carpe Diem Teaches Empathy

At Carpe Diem Private Preschool, we understand that children meet their full academic potential when they feel comfortable and respected. We pride ourselves on having caring, trained teachers who take the time to learn each child’s name and make each student feel special when they come to class. Our teachers lead by example and demonstrate empathy every day by how they interact with our students.

Little boy as scientist

The Benefits of Experiential Learning for Preschoolers

Preschool children have an instinctive desire to learn, discover and try new things. Their natural curiosity is attracted to anything they are unfamiliar with, so that makes children interested in trying everything. This interest in learning can be taken advantage of in schools and at home to maximize a child’s development, but only when done properly.

While preschoolers are naturally curious, they are also very active, mentally and physically. Oftentimes, they have difficulty paying attention to things they are uninterested in. So is there a way to make almost any topic instantly intriguing to children? The answer lies in experiential learning.

What is Experiential Learning?

Experiential learning is a method of learning where children actively participate in the learning process. It makes lessons personal to children by including them in the instructing process. Classes become fun activities for children in this way. For example, instead of the traditional approach of teaching them about cutting fruit, children would cut fruit themselves under adult supervision in the experiential learning approach.

What are the benefits?

Learning and growth happens quickest when a child is able to devote their full attention to a topic, especially if that topic poses an age-appropriate challenge. Experiential learning offers a fun alternative to traditional classroom teaching that can improve the following areas of growth and learning:

Memory retention: Children gain a deeper understanding of content when allowed to act on it, and when they are fully interested in the content. This causes synapses (nerves in the brain) to create stronger connections when a child associates motor functions to new information, which leads to higher memory retention.

Experiential learning demands effort and attention, simply by being an activity that children can participate in. Therefore, the lesson becomes a more personalized exercise of hands-on exploration.

Life-skill development: Practical knowledge is typically gained when children encounter obstacles and are given the opportunity to develop their problem-solving skills to overcome these challenges. Allowing preschoolers to actively participate in daily processes can establish life skills that will benefit their future growth and learning.

Emotional growth: Experiential learning gives children a sense of accomplishment that will develop their self-esteem and fuel their desire to learn. When they take ownership of a situation, with help from adults, children learn how to follow their ambitions without being afraid to try something new or struggle at first.


How Carpe Diem Uses Experiential Learning

At Carpe Diem Private Preschools, our educators utilize experiential learning to teach more effectively, and combine it with traditional interdisciplinary approaches to assist each child in reaching their greatest learning potential. Our unique teaching system challenges children with exciting projects that teaches them how to set goals, while also developing knowledge across multiple domains of learning.