Available only at our Cedar Park location
Carpe Diem’s Kindergarten Program is based on the same nurturing, hands-on, active learning approach as our Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten Programs. We believe developmentally appropriate and culturally relevant teaching asks children to move more than to sit still, to talk more than to listen, and to ask questions more than to give answers. It asks five- and six-year-olds, under the guidance of a skillful teacher, to bring their interests to school and to contribute them to the emergence of meaningful, thematic, creative curriculum unique to their own kindergarten class.
The best learning environment for kindergarten children, keeping in mind they will need to master a prescribed set of essential skills and concepts, is one in which they can actively participate by manipulating objects and by expressing their own ideas in many curricular areas, such as language arts (literature, reading, writing, and phonics), mathematics, science, social studies, computer skills, Spanish, music, art, drama, and physical education.
We meet children’s differing needs and learning styles by maintaining a flexible, comfortable classroom arrangement that encourages play and exploration through the use of interest centers. You will also see individual, small, and whole group instruction. All our materials and equipment are of the highest quality and are designed to engage the limitless curiosity and imagination of young minds.
Our kindergarten curriculum includes the “Project Approach.” This is an extended, in-depth investigation of a topic, such as Weather, where the children conduct research on a subject of interest to them. The children pose questions to generate theories and predictions concerning possible answers to their questions. The teacher guides the children’s explorations to develop a culminating activity or event through which the children share what they have learned with others.
Children attend Spanish and music classes daily. They are conducted by degreed specialty teachers who are members of our faculty. Our once-a-week drama teacher comes to us from “Capers for Kids.”
Our indoor activity room and outdoor playgrounds are state-of-the-art areas where kindergartners can hone their large motor skills in many exciting ways.
Kindergartners take numerous field trips on the Carpe Diem bus throughout the school year, which expands the horizons of their curriculum and provides lots of fun and enjoyment at the same time. Please see our Kindergarten Curriculum Goals.
We thank you for considering Carpe Diem’s Kindergarten Program for your child and family. Please contact us if you have any questions.