Managing Emotions: Anger
Anger can be a tough emotion for children to handle, sometimes leading to inappropriate behaviors. But anger is a natural emotional response for people, especially children who in the early stages of learning to control their feelings. Here are some tips you might want to keep in mind when teaching your child how to manage emotions like anger.
Children get angry
When your child gets angry, it’s important to remember that their anger is not a personality trait. Children naturally have a lot to be angry about when they are taking their first developmental steps.
Most things they try to do end in failure, because almost everything is a new experience at this point. Not being able to reach a goal can be very frustrating for people in general. For children, almost every goal has so many upsetting obstacles.
Parents and teachers are bigger than them as well, so when children are told to do something, they have to do it even if they don’t want to. Their curiosity is put on hold oftentimes because of their age. As a result, children can get angry more easily when they are young.
The sooner you can accept that your child really does have a lot to be mad about, the sooner you can start to learn how to handle the situation more easily.
Explain the anger, don’t act on it
Every person has the right to feel however they do; emotions are an extension of who we are and what we believe. You should not discount how your child feels. However, the way they show their feelings is a different story.
Acting violently out of anger, such as throwing toys or hitting, should not be tolerated. Instead of using their hands to let out their anger, a more constructive way would be to talk it out. Therefore, it may help to teach your child how to ‘name and explain’ their emotions.
Taking a pause and using their words brings clarity in a positive way that can be used to find a solution.
Set behavioral boundaries
Children should be taught that there are consequences to their actions, including when they misbehave out of anger.
Explain to your child how they should behave when dealing with anger, both at home and in public settings. You should also explain that violence is unacceptable. Reinforce the good behaviors and treat your child with respect while discouraging bad behaviors.
This principle should apply to you as well. Modeling control and using words will help show your children how they should handle their anger properly. Whenever your child is upset but explains their self appropriately, make sure to truly listen to their complaint and try to find a solution.
How Carpe Diem Teaches Children to Handle Anger
At Carpe Diem Private Preschool, we are setting a new standard for learning that includes caring for the entire child, including their emotional well-being. Our team of caring and dedicated teachers take the time to learn about each student, so they can communicate personally and positively with every child.