Preschool and Pre-K
At Carpe Diem, we prepare children for their future. We want them to have a “can-do” attitude, be curious about how things work, and develop skills to find solutions to problems.
We use an “integrated curriculum” approach to teaching. Our teachers don’t separate areas of learning by subject. Instead, for example, of isolating math, language, or social studies, we develop themes and special projects in content areas like “Rainforest Regions of the World” and “The Circus.” With this approach, children expand their knowledge and skills in many areas related to the topic.
Field trips for our Pre-K students — the zoo, library, post office, children’s theater productions — extend their learning in meaningful ways. Special events and visitors, like the Lion Dancers on Chinese New Year — are also important. Parents are also a great resource. Visits by a dad dressed in his pilot’s uniform or a mom who is a veterinarian showing x-rays of a dog’s injured leg are fun and educational.
More information about how we plan our curriculum and address all aspects of a child’s development is available on our FAQs page.