
Any school can say great things about itself. More importantly, however, is what parents whose children attend the school feel about the school. Here, a few parents share their thoughts and experiences withCarpe Diem Private Preschool.

“It’s pretty impossible to put all the things we love about Carpe Diem into one paragraph, but here goes:

We found Carpe Diem when our son was two. What impressed us then were the teacher-to-student ratios, the number of degreed teachers, and the curriculum (including Spanish and music). Our son is now five, and we continue to be so impressed with the curriculum. He can describe the difference between a paleontologist and an archaeologist! But, Carpe Diem has given our son so much more than just the outstanding curriculum. Every staff member is genuinely caring and affectionate and available to us whenever we have a concern. He has developed an inquisitive nature and a love for learning. Socially, he has learned to respect and share with others, and resolve conflicts independently with his words.

So, when our daughter came along, there was no question she’d go to Carpe Diem as well! She thrived in the infant program and received all the attention and love we could have wanted for her. Now she’s in the toddler program and always so happy to be at school.

Every child should get a chance to start life at Carpe Diem!”

5 Stars
Aimee Burns

“I wanted to extend my thanks to you and your staff at Carpe Diem. I can not be happier with the educational experiences my daughter Grace has had. She constantly takes us by surprise with the things that she does and says. One moment she is saying something in Spanish to us or her little brother, the next she is pointing out all of the appropriate anatomical parts of an insect! She then proceeds to explain pollination to me and the bees and butterfly’s role in it. Another time she explained the different levels of the rainforest to us and told us she could better explain it if we just took her back to the aquarium. All of this from a 4 ½-year-olds mouth! She is also rapidly putting us to shame with her computer skills. Her skills rival any adult! She has blossomed into a bright and proud young girl. Gone is the child who was reluctant to participate without observation. She springs into action – self-assured and not afraid of giving a wrong answer. It is so awesome to see.

Your staff provides a very loving, nurturing, and respectful environment to the children. You have far exceeded any expectations that we ever had of your school. I am sad that this is her last year there. I only wish you offered kindergarten.

I’m excited to see how my son Alex does in your new school in Frisco. As you know, he already wants to be there now.”

5 Stars
Jennifer Kikta

“Our two children attend Carpe Diem School, and it has been a most pleasant experience for the whole family. Our three-year-old son and 20-month-old daughter, both love to go to school every day. They are both excited about and challenged by the curriculum. My son’s social development, musical, and Spanish abilities have advanced greatly there! Imagine my surprise when I walked into our playroom at home to hear my son humming a major scale perfectly before he was 3 years old.”

“My wife and I have a positive dialogue with the teachers and staff there that makes us feel like we have a third member of the parenting team. We feel connected to our children’s daily activities despite hectic careers and enjoy the parenting input from a very experienced staff. The entire staff knows us and our children by name and we know them on the same basis. I never felt that I could have a completely secure feeling leaving my children anywhere but home with Mom, but I can honestly say that I have zero fear or reservation about the care, LOVE, and growth that my children get every day at Carpe Diem. Finally, Grandma and Grandpa in Florida love being able to see their grandchildren every day over a secure internet connection. My mother watches them every day on the in-room cameras and regularly sends me an e-mail about something she saw one of them do that was amusing.”

“We could not recommend Carpe Diem more highly!”

5 Stars
Jim Moran

“Some schools are very expensive and outwardly beautiful, but when you scratch the surface, they’re nothing but day care. Carpe Diem couldn’t be more different. Here, my children (ages one and four) not only have fun, they really learn – cognitively, socially, and emotionally – from professional educators. They love going to school every day and they’re challenged and excited about the curriculum.”

5 Stars
Gayle Boone

“She’s sleepy! Did you see that?!?!! She’s sleepy! Not hungry!!!” That was our revelation when our 9 month old finally was able to communicate with us. Our evenings were such a frustrating time until our baby started signing. “Sleepy” and “Finished”, and “Eat” were the first signs she debuted for us and they opened up a whole new world. At first, we were skeptical about using sign language. We thought that if she could do Baby Signs that she wouldn’t talk verbally. The opposite is true. Now at 21 months, her signing reinforces what she is trying to say and helps us to clarify when her speech is difficult to interpret. She talks in full sentences and accentuates her speech with signs. Even our extended family and friends are now signing!

It has such a calming effect….being able to communicate with our baby. No more frustrating “I don’t know what you want!” moments! I only wish I knew about Baby Signs when my first child was this age.”

5 Stars
Laura Ballard

“A true test of a parents love and trust is to drop them off every day at a place that you consider their second home. I never have an uneasy feeling or doubt that my child will be treated well, educated and most of all loved. The experience my Matthew, my husband and I have had at Carpe Diem is about as perfect as it gets. I can only rave some much and pass on to all my colleagues and friends about this truly wonderful school and what I consider a gift from God.

Keep this dream of yours alive and well.”

5 Stars
Judy McCall

“I would first like to say that it was a pleasure to meet you on Saturday at the Carpe Diem Open House. I can tell that you are very involved and care about the operation of your facility, and we saw this in everyone we met. We felt very comfortable during our visit.

Matthew’s mother, Kathleen, began to visit schools months ago, so that we may choose the best environment for Matthew to learn. Based upon the curriculum, and student-teacher ration, as well as many other factors, Kathleen was convinced, soon after her first visit, that there was something different about Carpe Diem. I trusted her instincts and I am glad I did.

My first impression of your facility was the greeting that we received from Martina. She greeted Matthew by name, even though it had been months since he and Kathleen had visited your school. I was very impressed that she knew all the children by name. Please pass along a special thanks to her.

It was also so nice to meet Ms. Jayme, Ms. Dawn and Ms. Lisa, and put a face with a name. I am confident that they will give each of their students their best.

As a certified educator myself, I know the importance and the influence that a learning environment has on a child, especially at an early age. But, as a parent, it does become very personal. We have chosen Carpe Diem to take care of our ‘Matthew’. That should tell you how we feel about your facility. Good Luck this year and we look forward to seeing you every Tuesday and Thursday. Who knows, he might talk us into a full week before it is all said and done.”

5 Stars
David & Kathleen Caldwell

“Obviously, a great deal of thought was given to the school’s programs and facility. The activities, learning tools, and play equipment have all contributed so much to enhancing my son’s motor skills and overall development.”

5 Stars
Nina Lucas

“My son began attending Carpe Diem at 10 months old and learned sign for “more,” “water,” “food,” and “finished” within six weeks. Then he quickly mastered the signs for “hot,” “cold,” “help” and “hurt.” One time he was sick and running a fever and he was able to tell us that he was hot.”

5 Stars
Linda Crank

“My now two and half year old daughter has been enrolled in Carpe Diem since the school opened. During this time I have seen a dramatic improvement in areas such as disposition, vocabulary, counting, and caring for others. She actually looks forward to going to school every morning and seeing her friends and teachers. The staff at Carpe Diem is incredible. All are extremely polite, educated, well spoken, and genuinely caring individuals. My daughter will continue with the Carpe Diem program.”

5 Stars
Steven M. Hunt